Wednesday April 9, 2025 9:45am - 10:45am CDT
Imagine a world where our students' closest relationships are not with friends or family, but with avatars and AI-driven interactions. As AI continues to advance, it risks reshaping the landscape of social relationships, creating an environment where synthetic connections can replace authentic ones. If we could go back and rethink how we’ve prepared students for the world of Social Media, wouldn’t we? Today, we have that opportunity.
This session offers a compelling look into the concept of "Infobesity"—the relentless influx of AI-driven information—and its profound impact on youth relationships. We’ll uncover the hidden influence AI can exert beyond large language models, drawing students into digital realms that threaten to erode genuine human connection. Participants will leave with practical strategies to counteract this shift, helping students forge meaningful, face-to-face relationships and build the resilience needed in an AI-enhanced world—all without adding more to your plate. Join us to take action now and ensure our students don’t get lost in a sea of avatars and artificial bonds.
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Holly Kelly

Regional Educational Technology Coordinator, The Learning Technology Center
Holly Kelly is a Regional Educational Technology Coordinator for the Learning Technology Center, serving the east central region. She facilitates professional learning opportunities for educators, administrators, and technology staff that support digital teaching and learning. Holly... Read More →
Wednesday April 9, 2025 9:45am - 10:45am CDT
Redbird A

Attendees (2)

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